11 May 2011

South Africa: "Fair Trade Excellence Award" winners announced

Fair Trade in Tourism South Africa (FTTSA) announced the winners of its first annual Fair Trade Excellence Awards in recognition of the outstanding performance by its members in particular aspects of the FTTSA certification programme. The Awards are based on outcomes of FTTSA site assessments that have been completed since the Indaba 2010.
The four award categories and this year's winners are:

Fair Trade Excellence in the Workplace
Fair Trade Excellence in the Broader Community
Fair Trade Excellence in Environmental Stewardship (which resulted in a 3- way tie!)
Fair Trade Excellence in Staff Health & Welfare
In addition, 18 members of the FTTSA family of certified businesses were commended for achieving five or more consecutive years of FTTSA certification! These were as follows:


  1. Plus Djuma Private Game Reserve, who was also commended for being certified for 5+ years (for a grand total of 18 businesses). www.djuma.co.za

  2. sorry, forgot to list Djuma, but have updated the list now. Thx for your update, FTTSA!

