28 June 2024

Namibia announces the implementation date for the introduction of reciprocal visa requirements! [update #2]

update (31 July 2024): We just had a chat with the Namibian Tourism Board (NTB). According to their information, Namibia is planing to impose new visa requirements on nationals from 31 countries, and not from 33 countries, from 01 April 2025. See press release below.

click to enlarge

update (18 July 2024): The Namibian Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety and Security Deputy Minister Lucia Witbooi has announced that Namibia will impose new visa requirements on nationals from now 33 (!) countries from 01 April 2025. Unfortunately, the Minister did not say which two new countries have been added to the list. She further announced that visitors from these 33 countries will be eligible for visas on arrival upon paying a fee of  N$1 600 and meeting entry requirements, which include possessing a return ticket, medical insurance, proof of financial means, no criminal record, and a passport valid for at least six months. We'll keep you posted!

The Namibian Ministry of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety and Security has released the implementation modalities of the visa on arrival as approved by the Namibian Cabinet (Cabinet decision No. 8th/21.05.24/002). The visa requirement for non-reciprocating countries will become effective on 01 April 2025. Also effective from 01 April 2025, visa fees for travellers from non-African Union (AU) member states will be increases from N$1200/person to N$1600/person. Travellers from AU member states who qualify for visas on arrival will still pay N$1200/person. These fees are subject to an annual review.
In addition, the "visa on arrival form" will be merged with the "arrvial form", while the "departure form" will be discontinued to simplify departure processes.

Effective 01 April 2025, nationals from the following countries will require a "visa on arrival" to enter Namibia:

  1. Armenia
  2. Austria
  3. Azerbajian
  4. Belarus
  5. Belgium
  6. Canada
  7. Denmark
  8. Finland
  9. France
  10. Germany
  11. Iceland
  12. Ireland
  13. Italy
  14. Japan
  15. Kazakstan
  16. Kygyzistan
  17. Liechtenstein
  18. Luxemburg
  19. Moldova
  20. Netherlands
  21. Norway
  22. Portugal
  23. Spain
  24. Sweden
  25. Switzerland
  26. Tajikistan
  27. Turkmenistan
  28. Ukraine
  29. United Kingdom
  30. United States of America
  31. Uzbekistan


27 June 2024

Kruger National Park: Lower Sabie Rest Camp is currently without power supply! [update]

update (30 Juni 2024): Power has been restored at Lower Sabie Rest Camp in Kruger National Park.

South African National Parks (SANParks) just informed the public that Lower Sabie Rest Camp in Kruger National Park is currently without power suppy. This is due to a couple of Eskom* poles that burned. The fire is suspected to have erupted sometime between last night (26 June 2024) and early this morning, with the cause not yet known.
The matter has been reported to Eskom in the early hours this morning. According to SANParks, no positive feedback has been received sofar from Eskom and Eskom is not on sight to deal with the issue yet. Generator power has not been able to sustain Lower Sabie Rest Camp including restaurant facilities since the outage. We'll keep you posted!

*Eskom is a South African state owned electricity public utility.

Cape Town: The Cape Point Furnicular is temporarily out of service for essential upgrades and maintenance! [update #2]

update (02 September 2024): The Cape Point Furnicular is back in operation. To celebrate "Tourism Month", kids aged 6 to 16 can ride the funicular for free on return tickets and pensioners aged 60 and over get 50% off their return funicular tickets throughout September 2024.

update (02 August 2024): The Cape Point Furnicular is still in the process of receiving an upgrade and is therefore not operational yet.

The Motsamayi Tourism Group, which manages the facilities at Cape Point in the Cape of Good Hope section of Table Mountain National Park in Cape Town, has announced that the Cape Point Furnicular service is temporarily suspended. The funicular is undergoing comprehensive upgrades to its communication systems, alongside scheduled maintenance tasks. The upgrade/maintenance will approximately be complete by 01 August 2024.
During this period, a shuttle service will be available. Please note, however, that this will have limited capacity and be subject to availability. The cost of this service will be available on site. Hiking trails will remain open and clearly signposted to ensure smooth and convenient access to the scenic viewpoint and attractions.

The Cape Point Furnicular, also known as the Flying Dutchman Funicular, runs between the Cape Point parking area and the viewing point below the lighthouse. The track is 585m long, and rises 87m from the lower station (at 127m  m a.s.l) to the upper station (at 214m m a.s.l). The Cape Point Furnicular was the first commercial funicular of its kind in Africa.

26 June 2024

South Africa begins screening travellers for mpox at all ports of entry!

The South African Border Management Authority (BMA) has announced that it has put measures in place at all ports of entry due to the increase in mpox (monkeypox) cases in South Africa. According to the commissioner of the BMA, Dr Michael Masiapato, the BMA has activated an outbreak preparedness plan that outlines the response in dealing with the disease.
Travellers arriving in South Africa are now subjected to thermal screening for checking temperature at air, land and sea ports of entry. Should the traveller present with an elevated temperature, such traveller will be isolated and assisted with further screening. This will involve interviews to establish experiencing of other symptoms. The BMA Port health officer will also conduct their own general and non-invasive observation of the traveller under investigation.
The total number of laboratory-confirmed cases of mpox in South Africa stands at 16 since the outbreak of the disease in May 2024. Eight cases from KwaZulu-Natal, seven cases from Gauteng, and one from Western Cape. All cases are males, aged between 23-43 years old. 

Angola: Passenger flight operations at Dr. António Agostinho Neto International Airport (AIAAN) to begin in the last quarter of 2024! [update #3]

update (20 January 2025): The flag carrier of Angola, TAAG Angola Airlines, has announced that it will begin operating regional flights from new Dr. António Agostinho Neto International Airport (AIAAN). Effective 01 February 2025, flights to Brazzaville (Republic of Congo) and Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of Congo) will depart from the new airport. Also from 01 February 2025, domestic flights to Cuito, Moçâmedes, Catumbela, Ondijva, Menonque, Huambo, Lubango will be operated from Dr. António Agostinho Neto International Airport (AIAAN).

update (06 November 2024): TAAG Angola Airlines will start to operate domestic flights to Dundo, Saurimo, Luena and Soyo from Dr. António Agostinho Neto International Airport (AIAAN) in December 2024 and complete the transfer of the remaining domestic and international links the new airport in the first quarter of 2025.

update (29 October 2024): The flag carrier of Angola, TAAG Angola Airlines, has announced that it is set to start operating domstic passenger flights from new Dr. António Agostinho Neto International Airport (AIAAN). Effective 10 November 2024, flights to Cabinda Airport (CAB) in the city of Cabinda will depart from the new airport. Cabinda is located in the Cabinda Province, an exclave of Angola, separated from the main part of the country by a narrow strip of land belonging to the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

According to the Angola Press Agency (Angop), the official news agency of Angola, the country's new Dr. António Agostinho Neto International Airport (AIAAN) is set to begin passenger flight operations in the last quarter of 2024. The airport, which will gradually replace Quatro de Fevereiro Airport (LAD) in Luanda as Angola's main international airport, is located approximately 40 km east of central Luanda in the commune of Bom Jesus in the municipality of Icolo e Bengo.
Dr. António Agostinho Neto International Airport (AIAAN) was inaugrated in November 2023. It was initially planned that domestic passenger flight operations begin in February 2024 and international flight operations in July 2024. This had to be delayed due to various reasons, The airport has been receiving cargo flights since January/February 2024.
Dr. António Agostinho Neto International Airport (AIAAN), which cost about US$ 3 billion to built, covers an area of 1,324 hectares. With an passenger capacity of 15 million travellers annually (10 million international and 5 million domestic) the airport is one of the largest airports in Africa. AIAAN has two parallel asphalt runways - the northern runway is 4,200 m long and 60 m wide, while the southern runway is 3,800 m long and 60 m wide. The airport has 31 boarding lanes, of which 19 for international services and 11 for domestic services, as well as nine conveyor belts for baggage storage, six of which are dedicated to international flights. The infrastructure further includes 26 counters of the Immigration and Foreigners Service (SME), a parking lot for 1,710 vehicles, as well as space reserved for shops. It also has 22 VIP lounges, a clinic and a first aid center attached to the passenger terminal.

Dr. António Agostinho Neto International Airport (AIAAN) is named after Angola's first President, António Agostinho Neto (17 September 1922 – 10 September 1979).

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25 June 2024

Durban: Only one beach is currently closed for swimming due to water quality!

The eThekwini Municipality, the local government body responsible for governing and managing Durban in KwaZulu-Natal, has released updated lists of beaches that are currently (as of 24 June 2024) open and safe for swimming, closed for swimming and of swimming pools that are currently open to the public. According to the lists, 22 beaches in Durban are currently open for swimming, while swimming at only one beach is prohibited due to water quality. 32 swimming pools in Durban are currently open to the public.

The following beaches are open for swimming:
- operating hours 06:00 - 18:30 -

  1. Wedge
  2. uShaka
  3. Addington
  4. Point Beach
  5. Battery Beach
  6. Bay of Plenty
  7. North Beach
  8. South Beach
  9. Country Club
  10. Thekwini Beach
  11. Laguna Beach
  12. uMhlanga Beach
  13. Bronze Beach
  14. mDloti Main
  15. uMgababa
  16. Anstey's Beach
  17. Brighton
  18. Winkelespruit
  19. Toti Main Beach
  20. Pipeline Beach
  21. Warner Beach
  22. Reunion

Beach(es) closed for swimming:

  1. Westbrook

Recreational activities other than swimming at beaches closed for swimming are allowed! 


24 June 2024

Survey: LIFT named best low-cost airline in Africa 2024!

South African domestic airline, LIFT, has been named Best Low-Cost Airline in Africa in the 2024 Skytrax World Airline Awards. South African regional airline FlySafair, winner of the previous three years, was voted second best in Africa 2024. African airline Fastjet, which mainly operates flights in and from Zimbabwe, was named third best low-cost airline in Africa 2024.
South Africa's flag carrier airline, South African Airways (SAA), was named Cleanest Airline in Africa 2024 and its staff was rated second best in Africa 2024.

The Skytrax World Airline Awards 2024 are based on customer responses to an online survey which was operated from September 2023 to May 2024. Over 100 customer nationalities participated in the survey. All survey entries were screened to identify IP and user information, with duplicate, suspect or ineligible entries deleted. More than 350 airlines are featured in the final Award results.

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Cape Town: Chapman's Peak Drive temporarily closed! [update #8]

update (09 August 2024):  The management of the Chapman's Peak Drive in Cape Town has announced that the road is open. There is however a stop and go system in place.

update (08 August 2024): The management of the Chapman's Peak Drive in Cape Town has announced that they "hope to open some time next week"!

update (07 August 2024): The management of the Chapman's Peak Drive in Cape Town has announced that work is being done for exploratory drilling aligned to improvements aimed at enhancing the safety and efficiency of the road. A team of experts has been diligently working on a comprehensive plan to upgrade various aspects of the Chapman’s Peak Drive infrastructure, both post the severe storm incidents as well as planned improvements which include:

  • Enhanced Signage: With updating the payment systems, some signage to help share information accordingly will be improved
  • Safety Catch Fences: Fixing and replacing damaged fences that occurred during the severe storms.
  • Slope stability repairs: Permanent repairs following the September 2023 mudslides.

Included in these improvements, exploratory drilling during the month of August will be conducted. This drilling is essential for assessing the ground conditions and ensuring that proposed enhancements are feasible and cost effective. The drilling will take place during the month of August 2024, from Monday to Friday (08:00 to 17:00).

updates (26 July 2024): The management of the Chapman's Peak Drive just posted on "X" that three catch fences was damaged due to previous storm and we are doing our best to get it cleared and fixed as the weather allows. We'll keep you posted!

update (19 July 2024): The management of the Chapman's Peak Drive just posted on Facebook that [...] the amount of damage and catch fences needing fixing is taking longer due to the inclement weather and the safety of all is our priority. Our teams will only be able to work in the better weather conditions. [...]. We'll keep you posted!

update (17 July 2024): The management of the Chapman's Peak Drive just wrote on "X" that the (recent) "inclement weather has delayed fixing catch fences". We'll keep you posted!

update (12 July 2024): The management of the Chapman's Peak Drive just posted the following on social media: "The catch fences are doing a good job but get damaged in the process and need to be fixed and with the inclement weather the safety of all users are paramount and thus will be closed once the engineers give the all clear."

update (02 July 2024): The management of the Chapman's Peak Drive has announced on "x" that they are  hoping to open by next week if all goes well.

The management of Cape Town's famous Chapman's Peak Drive has annouced that the scenic 9 km route between Noordhoek and Hout Bay along the western flank of the Chapman's Peak is currently closed and is expected to reopen mid-week. Due to rockfall last Wednesday (19 June 2024), significant damage was caused to the catch fences. These are not easy to replace as a special team is required, and work can only be done under safe conditions. Unfortunately, the weather has not been ideal, delaying the repair work. We'll keep you posted!

21 June 2024

Western Cape: The World's longest zipline opens outside Caledon! [update #3]

update (16 September 2024): K3 - the longest zipline in the world - is officially open for bookings!

update (13 September 2024): SA Forest Adventures has announced that K3 - the longest zipline in the world - has successfully completed its first test flights! Bookings for the zipiline open on 16 September 2024, at 17:00. We'll keep you posted!

update (04 September 2024): SA Forest Adventures has announced that test runs are currently underway and an opening date will be announced soon.

South African adventure company SA Forest Adventures has announced that after years of planning, and the Covid-19 pandemic, the world's longest zipline is finally set to open. The "K3" zipline, which is 3.2-kilometres long, will - weather permitting - commence operations within the next month. The "K3" zipline is located just outside Caledon in the Overberg region in South Africa's Western Cape.
Caledon is situated on the N2, about 115 kilometres by road from central Cape Town. At Caledon the N2 is met by the R316 from Arniston and Bredasdorp, and the R320 from Hermanus. It is also located on the Overberg branch railway line, 141 kilometres by rail from Cape Town station.

Once the "K3" zipline is up and running, developments on a record breaking 5 kilometres zipline might commence on the same property.

20 June 2024

South Africa: The NSRI releases a "full moon Spring tide safety alert"!

The National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI), a voluntary non-profit organization tasked with saving lives through drowning prevention in South Africa, has released a full moon Spring tide safety alert. The NSRI, together with South Africa's emergency services, is appealing to bathers, boaters, paddlers, sailors, shoreline anglers and coastal hikers to be cautious around the coastline as the full moon Spring tide causes the daily 2 high tides to be higher than normal and the daily 2 low tides to be lower than normal. This Spring tide peaks on 22 June 2024.

(c) www.nsri.org.za

The affect that Spring tide has on the coast, caused by the gravitational effect that the moon has on the earth – causing the 2 daily high tides to be higher than normal and the 2 daily low tides to be lower than normal, – will already be noticeable around the coastline increasing in intensity towards the full moon peak, on 22 June 2024, and then gradually declining in intensity towards the middle of next week.

Cape Town: Tokai Forest Braai & Picnic Site in the Table Mountain National Park temporarily closed!

South African National Parks (SANParks) has announced that the Tokai Forest Braai & Picnic Site in the Table Mountain National Park in Cape Town is temporarily closed. This is due to planned water supply maintenance affecting the National Park's Tokai precinct. This result in the ablution facilities at the Picnic Site being out of service. 

The Tokai Forest Braai & Picnic Site is situated on the edge of the Tokai Plantation in the Table Mountain National Park. The Picnic Site is centrally located, offers  ample space for larger gatherings and is convenient for accessing many enjoyable trails through the Tokai Plantation. Alcohol, dogs and music are prohibited.

19 June 2024

Tanzania & Zambia: TAZARA resumes passenger train operations!

The Tanzania-Zambia Railway Authority (TAZARA) has announced that passenger trains are set to continue to operate within the respective regions between Dar es Salaam and Mbeya in Tanzania, and between Kapiri-Mposhi and Nakonde in Zambia. Interstate cross-border passenger train services between Tanzania and Zambia remain suspended for the time being. This operational plan is subject to further review, in due course, as TAZARA works to fully resolve the existing challenges. Therefore, until further notice, the train services will be available in the respective regions of Tanzania and Zambia, as follows:

The Kilimanjaro Train

  • Departing Dar es Salaam for Mbeya at 13:50 every Tuesday and at 15:50 every Friday, terminating at Mbeya Station.
  • Departing Mbeya for Dar es Salaam at 18:00 every Wednesday and Saturday.

The Mukuba Train

  • Departing Kapiri-Mposhi for Nakonde at 14:00 every Tuesday and at 16:00 every Friday, terminating at Nakonde Station.
  • Departing Nakonde for Kapiri-Mposhi at 18:00 every Wednesday and Saturday.


The Tanzania-Zambia Railway Authority (TAZARA) is a bi-national railway, jointly owned by the Government of Tanzania and the Government of Zambia on an equal share-holding basis. The 1,860 km-rail runs from Tanzania and East Africa’s major seaport of Dar es Salaam into the heart of Zambia's Central Province, terminating at New Kapiri-Mposhi, where it is further linked by road and rail to Zambia's capital city, Lusaka (about 200 km), Zambia's mining nerve centre, the Copperbelt province (about 100 km) and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). 

18 June 2024

Johannesburg: Road closures at OR Tambo International Airport (JNB) ahead of Presidential Inauguration! [update]

update (21 June 2024): ACSA has informed the public that the Passenger Terminal Arrivals Road and Cargo Road at OR Tambo Internatonal Airport (JNB) in Johannesburg have been reopened and are fully operational.

Airports Company South Africa (ACSA) has informed the public that the Passenger Terminal Arrivals Road and Cargo Road at OR Tambo Internatonal Airport (JNB) in Johannesburg will be temporarily closed from today (18 June 2024) until Saturday, 22 June 2024. The road closures are a safety and precautionary measure to facilitate the arrival and departure of Heads of State during the Presidential Inauguration that will be taking place at the Union Buildings in Pretoria on 19 June 2024.
To properly manage the flow of traffic, kindly note that vehicles on airport roadways will be diverted by the Ekurhuleni Metro Police Department to to the departures (upper) roadway as well as Parkade 2 South, Levels 2 and 3, for pick-up and dropf-off purposes.
Due to the temporary closure of the Passenger Terminal Arrivals Road and Cargo Road, ACSA is advising passengers to allow extra travel time to reach O.R. Tambo International Airport (JNB). For domestic flights, passengers should arrive 2 hours before departure to complete check-in procedures. For international flights, passengers should arrive 3 hours before departure to complete check-in procedures.

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14 June 2024

South Africa: New nature reserve opens in KwaZulu-Natal!

KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa is home to a new nature reserve. The 6 500-hectare Northern Drakensberg Nature Reserve in the Drakensberg mountains, which was formally gazetted on 18 April 2024, connects the uKhahlamba Drakensberg Park in KwaZulu-Natal to the Sterkfontein Nature Reserve in the Free State.  
The grasslands in the new nature reserve include some of South Africa's most endangered vegetation types, such as the Income Sandy Grassland and the Mabela Sandy Grassland. It is also an important high altitude water catchment area, which straddles the border of the Orange River basin – the largest water resource in South Africa. ´
The Northern Drakensberg Nature Reserve is made up of 19 properties owned by 11 private landowners. It includes several established resorts which have been welcoming holidaymakers for decades. The new nature reserve will be managed by the Northern Drakensberg Landowners Association under a 10-year protected area management plan which is a legal requirement of the declaration. The management of the nature reserve aims to integrate environmental protection with ongoing economic activities and works with communities, instead of excluding them from the protected area.

13 June 2024

Tanzania & Zambia: TAZARA announces suspension of passenger train operations until further notice!

The Tanzania-Zambia Railway Authority (TAZARA) has announced the suspension of passenger train operations between Tanzania and Zambia with effect from 18 June 2024, until further notice. This suspension has been necessitated by various operational challenges that the authority is facing. In the meantime, between now and when the suspension takes effect next week, the trains will operate regionally as follows:

The Kilimanjaro Train

The Mukuba Train

  • Depart Kapiri-Mposhi for Nakonde at 00:05 15 June 2024, and terminate at Nakonde.
  • Depart Nakonde for Kapiri-Mposhi at 10:00 on 16 June 2024


The Tanzania-Zambia Railway Authority (TAZARA) is a bi-national railway, jointly owned by the Government of Tanzania and the Government of Zambia on an equal share-holding basis. The 1,860 km-rail runs from Tanzania and East Africa’s major seaport of Dar es Salaam into the heart of Zambia's Central Province, terminating at New Kapiri-Mposhi, where it is further linked by road and rail to Zambia's capital city, Lusaka (about 200 km), Zambia's mining nerve centre, the Copperbelt province (about 100 km) and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). 

12 June 2024

Durban: Only two beaches are currently closed for swimming due to water quality!

The eThekwini Municipality, the local government body responsible for governing and managing Durban in KwaZulu-Natal, has released updated lists of beaches that are currently (as of 11 June 2024) open and safe for swimming, closed for swimming and of swimming pools that are currently open to the public. According to the lists, 21 beaches in Durban are currently open for swimming, while swimming at only two beaches is prohibited due to water quality. 32 swimming pools in Durban are currently open to the public.

The following beaches are open for swimming:
- operating hours 06:00 - 18:30 -

  1. Point Beach
  2. Wedge
  3. South Beach
  4. Addington
  5. North Beach
  6. Bay of Plenty
  7. uShaka
  8. Laguna Beach
  9. Thekwini Beach
  10. Country Club
  11. Battery Beach
  12. mDloti Main
  13. uMhlanga Main Beach
  14. uMgababa
  15. Bronze Beach
  16. Pipeline Beach
  17. Warner Beach
  18. Brighton
  19. Winkelespruit
  20. Anstey's Beach
  21. Toti Main Beach 

Beach(es) closed for swimming:

  1. Reunion
  2. Westbrook

Recreational activities other than swimming at beaches closed for swimming are allowed! 

11 June 2024

Western Cape: Meiringspoort Pass remains closed until further notice! [update]

update (13 June 2024): The Greater Oudtshoorn Municipality in South Africa's Western Cape has anniunced that Meiringspoort will be opened at 17:00, 13 June 2024. The restrooms will remain closed due to damage. Travelling through Meiringspoort must be done at a lowered speed and with utmost caution.

The Greater Oudtshoorn Municipality in South Africa's Western Cape has announced that the Meiringspoort Pass, one of the most scenic mountain passes in South Africa, remains closed until further notice due to extensive construction works. Significant repairs are underway, including the rebuilding of sections of the road as well as addressing hazardous ditches formed along the riverbanks. These conditions pose a serious danger to motorists, necessitating the closure. The Pass and other roads in and around Oudtshoorn were closed due to heavy rains which caused flooding and rockfalls last week.

Meiringspoort is a mountain pass on the N12 in South Africa's Western Cape, where it crosses the Swartberg mountain range. The pass is a gateway that connects the Little Karoo and the Great Karoo, through a gorge with a 25 km road crossing the same river 25 times in the span of the 25 km.

10 June 2024

"Rhino Rewild": African Parks translocated 120 Southern white rhino to member reserves of the Greater Kruger Environmental Protection Foundation (GKEPF)!

African Parks, a conservation NGO that manages 22 protected areas in partnership with 12 governments across Africa, has announced that it has successfully translocated 120 Southern white rhino to member reserves of the Greater Kruger Environmental Protection Foundation (GKEPF) in Mpumalanga and Limpopo, South Africa. This translocation is the second move to happen under "Rhino Rewild", an ambitious plan to rewild 2,000 southern white rhino into secure protected areas in Africa over the next 10 years.
The rhino will not be released into the Kruger National Park itself, but into private game reserves along its western boundary, a consensus reached through collaboration, and expert inputs from Kruger National Park and South African National Parks (SANParks) counterparts. This strategic placement to private reserves bordering the Kruger National Park strengthens the rhino metapopulation and lays the groundwork for potential future collaboration as Kruger National Park continues its fight against poaching.

“The rhino will come in dehorned, which is a very effective way to decrease the poaching risk in this landscape. We’re at a point where this risk is well calculated,” says Markus Hofmeyr, wildlife vet and Director of the Rhino Recovery Fund. “This will be the first re-introduction of rhino into this landscape in about 50 years.” [src.]
The Greater Kruger Environmental Protection Foundation (GKEPF), a registered non-profit organisation, was established in 2016 in direct response to the unprecedented rise in rhino poaching in the Greater Kruger. The area is home to the world’s largest wild rhino population and comprises more than 2.5 million hectares of unfenced wilderness. 

07 June 2024

Emirates introduces flights to Madagascar! [update]

update (05 September 2024): Emirates has land in AntananarivoMadagascar, for the first time. The airline operated a Boeing 777-300ER aircraft in a three-class configuration on the new route. The four-weekly service operates on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. 

The largest airline in the Middle East, Emirates, is set to introduce flights to Madagascar. The four-weekly flights between Dubai International Airport  (DXB) in Dubai and Ivato International Airport (TNR) in Antananarivo, will operate via a linked service with Seychelles International Airport (SEZ) on the Seychelles. The new service will commence on 03 September 2024. Flights will operate on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays. The flight times have been scheduled to optimise connections to and from key points in Europe, the Far East, West Asia and the Middle East/Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).

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Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park: Maintenance of Grootkolk Wilderness Camp set to commence!

The management of Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park has announced that the planned maintenance of  Grootkolk Wilderness Camp is set to commence on 21 June 2024. It is envisaged that the maintenance will be completed by 07 July 2024. It will not have any impact on bookings already made for that period.

Grootkolk Wilderness Camp is located in the northern part of the South African section of the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park about 20 km from Union’s End Gate where the three countries South Africa, Botswana and Namibia meet. Grootkolk Wilderness Camp is 6 hours drive from Twee Rivieren Rest Camp and 2,5 hours from Nossob Rest Camp. It is accessable to sedan vehicles.
The unfenced Rest Camp is renowned for its excellent wildlife viewing opportunities. The nearby waterhole attracts various species such as lions, leopards, hyenas, gemsbok, and more.

06 June 2024

South Africa: This restaurant in Cape Town is one of "The World’s 50 Best Restaurants 2024"!

One of Cape Town's most famous restaurants has just been named one of the Top 50 restaurants in the world and "Best Restaurant in Africa" in the "The World's 50 Best Restaurants" awards. La Colombe, situated at the top of a winding road on Silvermist Wine Estate, has secured the 49th spot in the 2024 list. The restaurant is known for its elegant dishes grounded in French technique and accented with Asian flourishes as well as its award-winning, extensive and well-curated wine list.
One other restaurant in South Africa was also awarded: Fyn, located on the top floor of a 19th-century silk factory in Cape Town's city center, was ranked 60th on the coveted restaurant awards extended 51-100 list. Congratulations!

05 June 2024

South Africa: Addo Elephant National Park is going green!

South African National Parks (SANParks) has announced that various solar-powered projects have been commissioned throughout Addo Elephant National Park in South Africa's Eastern Cape. A biofiltration system has also been installed, which is recycling up to 80% of the National Park's busiest camp’s grey water.
The 17 largest boreholes in Addo Elephant National Park have been converted from diesel generators to solar. These boreholes supply drinking water to animals at waterholes and also service a number of staff homes across most of its 160,000 hectares. The project to convert the boreholes got underway three years ago, with the latest addition coming online earlier this year.  
An additional 20 hybrid solar systems dotted throughout Addo Elephant National Park provide power to Anti-Poaching Unit staff accommodation and a law enforcement fusion centre.
A new solar project will allow Addo Elephant National Park's Main Camp, the main hub of the National Park with the most accommodation units, staff housing and where most of the activities depart from, to go off-grid by the end of next year.
Addo Elephant National Park's newly built biofiltration plant is recycling the majority of grey water from Main Camp, which in turn gets fed to a nearby waterhole and the bird hide. It is also set up to, in future, supply water for the flushing of toilets at eight new family accommodation units currently being built. The  biofiltration plant is able to handle 120 kilolitres of sewerage per day.

Addo Elephant National Park is located about 30km outside Gqeberha (formerly Port Elizabeth) in South Africa's Eastern Cape. The National Park spans across an area of approximately 1,640km² and consists of a variety of landscapes, including dense forests, rolling hills, open grasslands, and coastal dunes. Addo Elephant National Park is not only home to the traditional Big 5, but the Big 7, which includes the Southern right whale and Great white shark in its marine environment. 

This city in South Africa was named the world's 2nd best city for food 2024!

Time Out, a global culture, entertainment and events magazine, recently asked thousands of locals all about eating out in their cities to rank the world’s culinary capitals in 2024. The city-dwellers were quizzed on their city’s must-visit restaurants, must-eat dishes and best-value bites and were also asked to rate their city’s food scene on both its quality and affordability. To create and rank the final list, Time Out narrowed down the selection by excluding cities with lower overall scores, and including only the highest-scoring city for each country. In a next step, Time Out asked its global network of writers and editors to for the lowdown on what makes their city an exciting dining destination in 2024, and to recommend their favourite places to eat right now. According to the magazine's list of "The world’s 20 best cities for food right now", Johannesburg in South Africa is currently the second best city for food in the world. Here is what Time Out writes about Joburg: "[...] From Ethiopian cafes in Little Addis to Nigerian and West African eats in the south of the city, you can eat your way across the continent here – though the majority of locals we surveyed recommended the city’s traditional South African delicacies, like the Sowetan kota sandwich, bunny chow and mala mogodu. [...]" [src.]

South African food writer Thando Moleketi-Williams, a local from Johannesburg, recommends the following foodie spots:

The 20 world’s best cities for food 2024:

  1. Naples, Italy
  2. Johannesburg, South Africa
  3. Lima, Peru
  4. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
  5. Beijing, China
  6. Bangkok, Thailand
  7. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  8. Mumbai, India
  9. Dubai, United Arab Emirates
  10. Portland, Oregon, USA
  11. Liverpool, England, UK
  12. Medellin, Colombia
  13. Seville, Spain
  14. Porto, Portugal
  15. Marrakech, Marocco
  16. Lyon, France
  17. Sydney, Austrlia
  18. Montreal, Canada
  19. Osaka, Japan
  20. Copenhagen, Denmark

Chef picks

  • Los Angeles, California, USA
    Picked by chef Tim Cushman of Ms. Clucks Deluxe at Time Out Market Boston
  • Seoul, South Korea
    Picked by Chef Reif Othman of REIF at Time Out Market Dubai
  • Madrid, Spain
    Picked by Chef Michael Ayoub of Fornino at Time Out Market New York

04 June 2024

Kruger National Park: Two Rest Camps currently have no power suppy from Eskom! [update #2]

update (06 June 2024): SANParks just announced that Eskom power has been fully restored at Lower Sabie Rest Camp. Power was disrupted due to the storm that took down several power lines. The water shortage issue has since been resolved too, and the pumps are fully operational with Eskom power. 

update (05 June 2024): SANParks just announced that Eskom power has been restored at Crocodile Bridge Rest CampLower Sabie Rest Camp is still relying on generators for power supply.

South African National Parks (SANParks) has announced that the Lower Sabie Rest Camp and the Crocodile Bridge Rest Camp in Kruger National Park currently have no power supply from Eskom* since last night (03 June 2024). These two camps’ power supply was affected by the storm from last night. The issue was escalated to Eskom as of this morning. Eskom indicated that they are currently inundated since the whole area was hard hit by the storm. SANParks is currently using its own generators, but they cannot power up the whole camp at one go. We'll keep you posted!

*Eskom is a South African state owned electricity public utility.

Germany: Discover Airlines launches a new service to Namibia!

German leisure airline Discover Airlines, owned by the Lufthansa Group, is set to launch a new service to Namibia. The airline will introduce a new year-round service between Munich Airport (MUC) in Munich, Germany, and Hosea Kutako International Airport (WDH) in Windhoek next year. Namibia's capital will be served three times a week on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Flights will commence on 01 April 2025. Discover Airlines' new service will be the only direct connection between Munich and Windhoek.

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Garden Route National Park: Hiking trails in the Wilderness section temporarily closed!

South African National Parks (SANParks) has informed the public that five hiking trails in the Wilderness section of the Garden Route National Park in the Western Cape are temporarily closed. This is due to heavy rains the National Park is currently experiencing.
The following hiking trails are temporarily closed:

  • Half Collared Trail
  • Brown Hooded Kingfisher Trail
  • Woodville Big Tree Trails
  • Goudveld Trails
  • Groeneweide Trails 

The Wilderness section of Garden Route National Park is located around the seaside town of Wilderness, Western Cape between the larger towns of George, Sedgefield and Knysna, in the Western Cape. It stretches from the Touw River mouth to the Swartvlei estuary and beyond, where it links with the Goukamma Nature Reserve.

03 June 2024

South Africa: Seasonal rainfall & temperature outlook (June 2024 - October 2024)!

The South African Weather Service (SAWS) has released the Seasonal Climate Watch for the period June 2024 to October 2024. According to the seasonal outlook, the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is currently still in a El Niño state, but weakening and predicted to rapidly decline into a neutral state by mid to end winter. As the summer has ended, SAWS expects minimal influence from the current El Niño event that is still in effect.
South Africa is now at the start of the winter season, and as such weather systems occurring during this season are notoriously difficult to predict at a seasonal timescale. These systems typical have the largest impact along the southern to southeastern coastal areas.
The SAWS multi-model rainfall forecast indicates mostly below-normal rainfall over most of South Africa during June and October 2024. Minimum and maximum temperatures are expected to be mostly above-normal countrywide for the forecast period (June 2024 to October 2024).

Zambia: Proflight Zambia increases flights between Lusaka <> Kasama!

Zambian privately owned regional carrier Proflight Zambia is set to increase domestic flights between Kenneth Kaunda International Airport (LUN) in Lusaka and Kasama Airport (KAA) in Kasama in the Northern Province ahead of the Ukusefya Pa Ng’wena festival in August 2024.
The expanded schedule includes direct flights on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays, with flights departing Lusaka at 07:45 and arriving in Kasama at 09:20. Return flights depart from Kasama at 09:50, arriving in Lusaka at 11:25. Connections from Ndola are offered each morning departing Ndola 06:30 and arriving Kasama at 09:20, return flights depart Kasama at 09:50hrs arriving in Ndola at 12:45.

The Ukusefya Pa Ng’wena festival is an annual traditional ceremony of the Bemba people. Held in August, the festival celebrates the rich heritage of the Bemba people at Ng’wena village. Visitors can look forward to experiencing traditional dance performances, captivating storytelling, and authentic Bemba cuisine.

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Australia: Qantas is planning to resume flights between Perth <> Johannesburg!

Qantas, the flag carrier airline of Australia, is planing to resume scheduled flights between Perth and Johannesburg. The airline and Perth Airport (PER), the international airport serving Perth in Western Australia, have recently signed a commercial agreement which will stimulate a multi-billion-dollar wave of investment and deliver new international and domestic flights. As part of the agreement, Perth Airport (PER) will invest in upgrades to Terminals 3 and 4, which will enable Qantas to add services and more destinations from Perth, including Auckland Airport (AKL) in Auckland, New Zealand, and OR Tambo International Airport (JNB) in Johannesburg, South Africa, from mid-2025, subject to meeting border agency requirements. We'll keep you posted!

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