16 October 2024

Kruger National Park: Fire incidents at two Rest Camps!

South African National Parks (SANParks) has confirmed that fire incidents occurred at two rest camps in the Kruger National Park on 14 October 2024. There was no life lost or injuries sustained at both rest camps. The first fire broke out at Satara Rest Camp where embers from a braai fire landed on the thatch roof of a chalet setting it alight. The fire was quickly contained before spreading to other structures. A similar incident occurred at Olifants Rest Camp requiring that three chalets be evacuated. This fire was also contained although it proved impossible to remove belongings of guests. Affected guests were relocated to nearer rest camps.
Kruger National Park is currently experiencing hot, windy and dry weather conditions. and visitors are urged to extinguish braai fires immediately after utilization for purposes such as cooking of food. This will greatly minimize the possible risk of fire with its consequent damage to structures and the environment.

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