19 October 2020

South Africa has released a revised "banned leisure travel list"!

The Government of South Africa has revised the list of high-risk countries, whose tourists are banned from visiting the country ("banned leisure travel list"). The new list has 22 high risk countries, including major tourist source countries like the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands, France, Belgium Italy, Spain. People from these high risk countries may not travel to South Africa for leisure, but can apply to be allowed in the country if they are:

  • business travellers
  • holders of critical skills visas
  • investors
  • people on international mission in sports, arts, culture and science

Visitors from European countries on the list, coming to South Africa to stay for a three months period or more will be able to apply for an exception.

People who need to apply must direct email requests to: Covid19BusinessTravel@dha.gov.za, supported by:

  • a copy of passport and/or temporary residence visa
  • proof of business activities to be undertaken in South Africa
  • proof of travel itinerary
  • proof of address or accommodation in South Africa

Nothing has changed as far as all travellers from the continent of Africa are concerned. They are still welcome to visit South Africa subject to Covid-19 protocols.

The full list of banned countries includes:

  1. Argentina
  2. Germany
  3. Peru
  4. Bangladesh
  5. India
  6. Philippines
  7. Belgium
  8. Indonesia
  9. Russia
  10. Brazil
  11. Iran
  12. Spain
  13. Canada
  14. Iraq
  15. United Kingdom
  16. Chile
  17. Italy
  18. USA
  19. Colombia
  20. Mexico
  21. France
  22. Netherlands

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