26 June 2024

South Africa begins screening travellers for mpox at all ports of entry!

The South African Border Management Authority (BMA) has announced that it has put measures in place at all ports of entry due to the increase in mpox (monkeypox) cases in South Africa. According to the commissioner of the BMA, Dr Michael Masiapato, the BMA has activated an outbreak preparedness plan that outlines the response in dealing with the disease.
Travellers arriving in South Africa are now subjected to thermal screening for checking temperature at air, land and sea ports of entry. Should the traveller present with an elevated temperature, such traveller will be isolated and assisted with further screening. This will involve interviews to establish experiencing of other symptoms. The BMA Port health officer will also conduct their own general and non-invasive observation of the traveller under investigation.
The total number of laboratory-confirmed cases of mpox in South Africa stands at 16 since the outbreak of the disease in May 2024. Eight cases from KwaZulu-Natal, seven cases from Gauteng, and one from Western Cape. All cases are males, aged between 23-43 years old. 

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