04 June 2024

Kruger National Park: Two Rest Camps currently have no power suppy from Eskom! [update #2]

update (06 June 2024): SANParks just announced that Eskom power has been fully restored at Lower Sabie Rest Camp. Power was disrupted due to the storm that took down several power lines. The water shortage issue has since been resolved too, and the pumps are fully operational with Eskom power. 

update (05 June 2024): SANParks just announced that Eskom power has been restored at Crocodile Bridge Rest CampLower Sabie Rest Camp is still relying on generators for power supply.

South African National Parks (SANParks) has announced that the Lower Sabie Rest Camp and the Crocodile Bridge Rest Camp in Kruger National Park currently have no power supply from Eskom* since last night (03 June 2024). These two camps’ power supply was affected by the storm from last night. The issue was escalated to Eskom as of this morning. Eskom indicated that they are currently inundated since the whole area was hard hit by the storm. SANParks is currently using its own generators, but they cannot power up the whole camp at one go. We'll keep you posted!

*Eskom is a South African state owned electricity public utility.

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